Cinnabar Masterpiece Sake Set by Shinemon Kiln

Set includes sake carafe and 2 cups with wooden box.
Carafe has a 12.8 oz. capacity
- Sake carafe measures H: 5.5" Diameter: 3.75"
- Sake cup measures H: 2.875" Diameter: 2.5"
- Microwave and Dishwasher Safe
- Made in Japan
At the Shinemon Kiln out goal is to perfectly recreate the color of the natural mineral cinnabar, also known as mercury sulphide. This unique color is created when the copper in the glaze meets the intense heat of the kiln. Heat alone however is not enough, the color is achieved by leaving the piece in the kiln for the correct number of hours at a kiln that maintains the proper 1,300 degree centigrade temperatures. In the Ming Dynasty of China cinnabar tinted goods were appreciated for their gemstone like beauty. Cinnabar can be many shades of red, from a pale nearly pink read through a deep ruby red. This deep gemstone red is the color we produce through careful selection of materials and processes.
Shinemon Kiln

In 1972, Shinemon I, born Shinichiro, started the Shinemon Kiln, aspiring to create large-sized ceramics, which was uncommon at the time. At the beginning, he applied sometsuke technique to his large ceramics, 2 to 3 feet in height, drawing patterns in deep-blue underglaze on a white background. His focus, however, gradually shifted to yohen technique, where unexpected colours and patterns emerge in the course of firing, depending on the chemical composition of the glaze. His encounter with cinnabar, in particular, would have a tremendous effect on the future of the Shinemon Kiln. Today, the Shinemon Kiln mainly creates yohen ware, using glazes such as ruby-red cinnabar and crystal glaze, and, with the slogan of “brilliance of form, amazing effect of glaze,” boasts its yusai technique with layers of different glazes fusing together to create beautiful gradation of colours.